On Tuesday, I got a call from my eye doctor, letting me know that my glasses were ready for pickup. I was excited -- I'd been looking forward to getting my glasses. I was also excited to see what they looked like, since I picked out the frames when my eyes were dilated. I don't know why they thought it would be a good idea to dilate my eyes and then ask me to pick out frames. I had trouble seeing things. I would pick up a pair of frames, bring them right up to my face, and ask, "What color are these?"
I like them. I wear them during the day when Christian's not home. When I wear them when Christian is home, he says that I look like a dork.
I go back to the eye doctor again today. This time, I'm going with Christian for his appointment. I think he's looking forward to the machine where they tell you to look at a hot air balloon and keep your eyes open then it blows a puff of air into your eye. I hate that machine, but Christian says that he likes it. He says that it makes him laugh.
Also, and on a totally different note, I'd just like to remind everyone that in a recent post, I said that my strategy in this posting war would involve "lur[ing] [Joel] into a false sense of security, and then start posting like crazy." So I'm surprised that everyone was surprised that I've been laying low for a while. This posting war is going take place over the entire year. Thus, I have to pace myself. I don't want to peak too early.