D o i n g : Slicing blueberries for Lucy's afternoon snack. Max and Maggie spend every Friday at Christian's parents' house, so it's just me and my Lovey for a few more hours. Since my twins were born and it was always two {and then three!} babies all the time, it's a treat to get one-on-one time with them. I get to love on them a little bit more, and that's so fun.
L o v i n g : I took the above pictures of Max and Maggie yesterday. I was trying to get a good shot of both of them, to send in a card that they "helped" make for my mom, but Max didn't want to sit still {when I asked him to say "cheese" he would stand up and and put his arms in the air - why, I don't know}, and Maggie only wanted to be the one taking pictures. Even though I didn't get the exact picture I was looking for, the ones I did get show off their toddler-sized personalities so perfectly. Geez, I love this two little hoodlums.
R e a d i n g : You guys already know that I'm reading and loving The Corrections this month, so how about a glimpse into my online reading? Here are a few blogs that have recently become favorites: Sometimes Sweet, Camp Patton, Dear Friend, the Homebook, You Are My Fave, Motley Mama, and Emmadime.
W a t c h i n g : I turned on Toy Story 3 today after Lucy woke up from her nap. I was sobbing through the opening credits. The home video of Andy playing with his toys was breaking my heart because oh-my-gosh-my-kids-are-going-to-grow-up. Which brings me to...
S t r e s s i n g a b o u t : Max and Maggie turn two whole years old in less than a month. I think for readers, it's one of those things where if your oldest child around is younger than two, you're like, "Nooo!! Too soon!! Notreadynotreadynotready!!" and if your oldest child is older than two, you're like, "What is her deal? Two is NOT that old." So sorry if you think I'm making an issue out of nothing, but two seems so old to me right now. I keep thinking, where did my babies go? And do I have to call them toddlers now? And please will everyone stop asking me about potty training?
T h i n k i n g a b o u t : I forgot to mention in my Walking Dead post, but I guess it's a thing that everyone loves Daryl Dixon? Or that women find him attractive? And when I realized that fact, I was like, "whaaaaaaat??" Because to me, Daryl's usefulness and resourcefulness in fighting off zombies barely {so much barely!} outweighs his incredibly obnoxious personality. In other words, not at all attractive. In fact, very unattractive, but also very helpful if you need someone to quietly kill zombies for you. Does anyone else want to chime in? Am I missing something?
L o o k i n g f o r w a r d t o : CHIPOTLE TONIGHT!! Eating at Chipotle is something that I think about almost every day, because it is just so good. I try not to allow myself to eat there every day, because that would add up to something like $300 each month {yikes}. However, Fridays are when Christian and I go out to eat, and my suggestion is always Chipotle! With an exclamation point! Before he's even finished asking the question! And even if that's not where we end up tonight, that's okay, because I'm excited about the possibility. {Seriously, I think they put something in those soft tacos of theirs, because this paragraph sounds like it was written by a crazy person.}
M a k i n g m e h a p p y : Christian and I have been discussing when we want to start trying for another baby. {Which would be our fourth, if you can believe. That number kind of blows my mind, just how quickly our family has grown already.} A newnewbaby. I know the idea is crazy, especially since Lucy just turned nine months old, but every time I think of growing another baby in my belly, I feel a burst of excitement in my heart.
P.S. I know I'm publishing this post at 8:45 in the evening, but I wrote most of it this afternoon, just to orient you. And yes, in case you were wondering, we did end up going to Chipotle.
P.P.S. Idea for this post came from here.
Hey thanks, Mary! You're one of my new favorites, too.
ReplyDeleteMaybe it's because we both love Chipotle.
Thanks, Amelia. :)
DeleteSo many things to comment on, but tonight I choose Daryll (I have great priorities, don't you think?) I say part if this depends on how far you are in the series? I found myself liking him more by the middle of season two. He has some irritating traits, but he's depebdable & lives by a certain code that I have come to appreciate as part of the show.
ReplyDeleteWhen I wrote this post we were at the end of Season 2, so the second season didn't do much to change my mind. He seems like such a two-dimensional character to me. {I'm mean because I care TOO MUCH!} I will admit that I like him better now than I did at the beginning of Season 1, so maybe my opinion will continue to change? Who knows.
DeleteLove the pictures and love Chipotle. We used to live just down the street from one (like it was less than a mile away and on the way home) which was good and bad. :)
ReplyDeleteYes! Ours is so close, and right next to Target, which means I'm practically IN the restaurant all the time. The temptation is too much for me.
DeleteHaving a baby gives me baby fever. Last night I dreamed I had a fourth child and we named him Moses. I woke up almost teary in excitement over my baby Moses, and I have a three month old! Sheesh.
ReplyDeleteThis is so sweet! I saw a pair of tiny baby leggings at Old Navy, and all I could think was, "I need to put these on someone!"
DeleteCary (my husband) is OBSESSED with chipotle. He grew up near the original chipotle's and it's always his top choice.
ReplyDeleteAlso props to you for discussing another baby! I am so impressed at how you handle 3 babies and even more impressed you want to take on the challenge of 4. I see your family pics and it always makes me want more kids... i just have to overcome my fear of pregnancy--otherwise it'll be just a small family here.
whoops that was me... as you read that and are like who the heck is cary
DeleteI figured it out. :) Chipotle is seriously the best; I don't blame Cary for his obsession. I'm not looking forward to a lot of aspects of another pregnancy, but at the same time, Christian and I have both always wanted a big family. I tell myself sometimes that we're doing the hard part now, and we get the good part for the rest of our lives. It sounds cheesy, I know. But if more kids make us happy, then more kids we shall have!
Deletethanks for linking to me!!! Love your blog and am glad I found it from E Tells ...
ReplyDeleteTotally can relate on thinking about numero 4 .... maybe I'm nuts.
Thank you! I think I found yours when E asked for suggestions on new blogs to read, and about fifty people named yours as a good one.
DeleteI'm SO divided when it comes to having another so soon. Half of me thinks we're crazy and life is finally getting easier for us, and we have plenty of time to have more kids {I mean, geez, I'm only 26}. The other half just wants a squishy baby that will sleep on me again... We'll see how it goes.
I love these types of posts. A whole bunch of randomness is good! Would you believe I've never had Chipotle?