{top to bottom: Christian warming up, random pictures of Christian standing around, Christian pitching in the game, Christian getting ready for some action at third base, Christian at bat, Christian sitting on the bench}
Christian Plautz Plays Softball
I finally remembered to bring my camera to one of Christian's softball games. At least, I thought I remembered to bring my camera to one of Christian's softball games, and then I heard that the team Biogen was playing had to forfeit, which means that they didn't play a real game. They played a scrimmage. The only scrimmage that Biogen has had to play in the past 1.5 seasons, and it happens on the day that I bring my camera. Nevertheless, I took plenty of pictures of Christian playing softball in his scrimmage. I feel like it's important, because one day when I remember all of the incredibly hot hours I spent faithfully watching Christian play softball, I'm going to want to look at some pictures.
Very cool :)